This girl has changed my life. Literally. She specializes in a very different kind of healing work. I was super skeptical before working with her, I’ll be honest. Now, though? Complete believer. I went to see her because of my overall shitshow health. If you haven’t been following me for long, I have Multiple Sclerosis, Gastroparesis, Dystemia (Depression & Anxiety), Insomnia, Gluten Intolerance, Chronic Migraines and Eczema. I got walloped by every single one of those things one weekend and, in a moment of vulnerability, posted about it on Facebook for the world to see. Because #transparency. Because if I can love my body in the midst of alllllll that mess, you can, too.
Anyway, J reached out to me and offered me a Reiki session through her business, Taj Moon. I had heard of Reiki before, but wasn’t really sure what or how or why. I didn’t understand it. Now, I do. Now, I get why it is so hard to explain. Ultimately, it’s not voodoo. It’s not evil. It IS powerful. I won’t ruin it for you, but you need to go have a session with her. Everyone that I have referred to her has had AMAZING results and have all agreed with me that it is a MUST DO. I felt so light. So unencumbered by my burdens. I can’t explain what happened. I can’t explain a lot of things. I do believe that she has God’s hand working through her and that He is working miracles through her. This isn’t faith healing. It’s not, in any way, weird. It’s literally like a massage for your soul. I could tell an immediate difference. Proof’s in the pudding, right?
So, knowing the impact she has had on me, I was desperate to return the favor. I wanted her to see what an incredibly beautiful person she was. I knew that she has been going through her own health journey, so I really wanted to get her in the studio. Enter: The Pensacola Loft Marathon.
Here’s what J had to say about her session:
“When Manda called me that she had a cancellation and I could fill in I was instantly excited! I also told myself I was crazy!
I had wanted to book a session with her for so long, but it wasn’t in the cards. The universe conspired to bring us together on that day and I was so ready for it. I was nervous, but mostly because I had like 8 hours notice and had no matching sets of lingerie! We worked with what I had and I couldn’t be happier! She totally eased my concerns with the hair and makeup. By the time we started our session I felt pampered, relaxed and beautiful! I felt radiant! By the time she got my edited photos to me I was beside myself with excitement and anticipation! They did not disappoint! When I finally saw them, they brought me to tears! I looked like myself, but also soo sultry and sexy and powerful! It reminded me that I AM A GODDESS! It was a feeling I haven’t felt often enough in the better part of a decade. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the work you do. You helped heal me and I can’t wait for our next one!
Sweet girl, I’m so grateful I could give to you some of the freedom you gave to me. I can’t wait to photograph you again and continue to help you embrace your body!

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